Technological department
The laboratory is equipped with all the necessary equipment to perform technological investigations of ore processing:
- milling units (ball and rod mills, a mill for Bond index testing);
- recovery equipment (high-intensity magnet separators; flotation machines with different size of vessels; centrifugal concentrator Falcon L-40);
- equipment for ore classifying in water and air media (laboratory vibrational screener, laboratory cyclone unit, small-scale screening machine);
- leaching equipment (bottle roller; 4-stage propeller agitator);
- equipment for roasting and sintering of ores and concentrates (rotary tube oven RSR 120/750/11 manufactured by Nabertherm GmbH, Germany;
- other auxiliary units.
Most of the above equipment are made by Sepor, USA.
Investigations on technology of gold recovery include all complex of necessary stages:
- testing of material composition (fire assay, silicate, geochemistry, phase, grain-size analyses);
- testing of physical-and-mechanical properties (specific and volumetric gravity, grinding grades in ball and rod mills, testing of Bond index BWi);
- recovery grade testing (flotation recovery grade; gravitation recovery grade);
- testing of cyanidation of ores and concentrates, including intensified;
- modelling of technological schemes in closed cycles.
As the results of such investigations reported are;
- economical estimates of a chosen scheme;
- development of technological and equipment schemes;
- development of technology procedures;